Internet Killed Israeli PR (please share extensively)
Song lyrics:
You had them on your wireless saying, 'Death to Jews'
You sliced & diced & circumcised & claimed Fair Use
600 Turks were singing 'Girl U Know It's True'
YouTube & Reddit, Twitter, Facebook,
You spammed them all & then you even posted 3
Casual Encounters on CraigsList NYC
IDF spokesmen
Who freakin' trained them?
Bloggers came & broke your heart
Now you tweet your new surveillance video
Cyborg Al-Qaida from the future snorting blow
set to the theme music from Hawaii Five-O
He had a knife and
Wait a second: that's Barbra Streisand
You couldn't find my SD card
You're in a bind says Michael Sfard
The Shin Bet mined my SD card
& played it back on NPR
Born & raised in Arkansas
I brought 6 nukes for the Hamas
We are the Mavi Marmara
You are the sloppy hasbara
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky
This video "Internet Killed Israeli PR" was released two days ago and has been reported by LA Times and many Palestinian blogs. The youtube version has already been blocked in Israel and parts of Europe. Please spread these following links to friends. Satire is the best weapons for the oppressed!
August 17, 2010
At this time we don' know who blocked this video in some countries and why. There are some suspicions of Israel or pro-Israeli groups involvement. One early negative comment to youtube video was from a user "rlandes7" who some believe is Richard Landes - a virulently anti-Palestnian academic at Boston University. Richard's daughter Aliza Landes is head of the North America desk of the "IDF New Media Unit" and was featured three times in the video. Pro-Israel blogger Israel Matzav also reported that Landes himself sent the video to them:
In the past, Israeli disinformation groups have openly talked about blocking free speech on Israel. Self proclaimed internet thought police, Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF), brags about hacking at least one Facebook group because of what it perceived as unacceptable speech.
Another pro-Israel propaganda group, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), tried to thwart and censor wikipedia posts on Israel-Palestine conflict. Once their plan was revealed, wikipedia indefinitely blocked wiki account of CAMERA's "senior research analyst" - Gilad Ini. Five other CAMERA recruits were sanctioned by wikipedia. CAMERA has attacked almost every major media organization for their "alleged" bias against Israel; including CNN, NBC, NPR, CBS, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Toronto Star, Time Magazine, and even Steven Spielberg (Munich), Norwegian doctors and UN Relief and Works Agency.
Soon after the Gaza flotilla massacre, Caroline Glick of Jerusalem Post and other Israeli hasbarists (propagandists) produced a racist video ridiculing Gaza flotilla and mocked the dead activists. This insulting and dehumanizing video from Israelis disgusted progressives around the world. Israeli government apologized for the video due to global embarrassment.